Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ID please! Unexpected Visitor...

I was happily gardening along (and pondering if the large number of ant colonies in my garden explain why my seeds had such poor germination, when I noticed this guy in my herb bed. By the time I got my camera he was already nosing his way under the garden fence into the daylillies...

I didn't scream. Though I am freaked out.

Um, so please tell me he's a garter snake...


Alyssa said...

I am not a snake expert, but he looks like one we found in our backyard hiding under some rocks. I doubt he's anything to worry about. When I find snakes I get excited and show my 4 yr old!

mr_subjunctive said...

Yeah, it's a garter snake.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Yes, it is a garter snake. We have a number of them in our yard, and in the 11 years we've lived here, they've not made any aggressive moves toward us. They freeze or leave. I come across them when I turn my compost pile. I have been startled a time or two, but I think they are more afraid of us.

If you click on wildlife in my yard on my blog and scroll down, you'll see a post on the ones we had in our bushes this spring.